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Student Health Insurance

Are you planning to study, work, or intern in the Netherlands? Or do you live in the Netherlands and don’t speak Dutch? In any case, it is important to ensure that you are adequately insured for the necessary care during your stay and, if applicable, to find a Dutch health insurance policy that suits you best.

Compare Dutch Health Insurance

If you have just turned 18 years, you are liable to pay premiums. This means that you must have your health insurance. This can be done through your parents’ health insurance, which is sometimes cheaper. You can use our healthcare comparator to see which health insurance suits you best.

Health insurance tips – If you’re considering taking out health insurance, here are a few tips to help you make an informed decision.

  • Basic health care insurance Basic insurance coverage is the same across all health insurance providers in the Netherlands. So, based on the coverage, it doesn’t matter which insurer you choose to purchase health insurance from, as the basic package is identical.
  • Healthcare premium There is a significant difference in premiums between health insurers. This is mostly due to the range of healthcare providers under contract and their handling. For example, premiums may be lower when an insurer communicates fully online.
  • Supplementary health insurance While supplementary health insurance isn’t compulsory, it can be beneficial. Supplementary health insurance covers costs not included in the basic insurance package, such as physiotherapy or alternative treatments.
  • Dental insurance Dental insurance is beneficial if you visit the dentist or dental hygienist more than once a year. If you don’t require frequent dental care, paying for any treatments out of pocket may be more cost-effective.
  • Excess Opting for a higher voluntary excess can reduce your monthly premiums. However, be aware that this means you’ll have to pay more out of pocket before your insurance kicks in.

For more extensive information, visit our student healthcare insurance page.

Find the cheapest health insurance

What is the best health insurance?

No health insurance is best for all students. The best health insurance depends on your lifestyle and wishes. For example, if you often need physiotherapy, taking out additional health insurance with physiotherapy coverage is useful. Do you live in an area where there are few hospitals nearby? Then, it is wise to opt for health insurance with a wide range of care choices. This way, you can be assured that your care will be reimbursed when needed, and you do not have to travel far.

Health insurance companies that focus on students:

  • SVG Logo Unive
  • SVG Logo Jaaah
  • SVG Logo ZieZo
  • SVG Logo CZdirect
  • SVG Logo Anderzorg

Switch to another health insurance

Switching to another health insurance policy is allowed once a year. Every year around mid-November, you can compare health insurance policies and switch. If you have just turned 18, you do not have to wait until November, and you can take out health insurance immediately.

Important data

  • September 17, 2024, On this day, the government will announce changes in the field of health insurance on Budget Day. The expected level of the health insurance premium, the level of the deductible and the contents of the basic package for 2025 will then be known.
  • November 12, 2024, The deadline for health insurers to announce their health premiums.
  • December 31, 2024, The final date for canceling your health insurance.
  • January 31, 2025, The deadline for taking out new health insurance if you cancel the old one is December 31 at the latest. Your health insurance will then take effect retroactively on January 1.

Are you 18 years old? Then you are now liable to pay national insurance contributions!

From the age of 18, you are liable to pay premiums, meaning that you must pay for your health insurance from now on. Until your 18th birthday, you are co-insured for free with one of your parents, caregiver or guardian. As soon as you become an adult, you must pay for your health insurance: you are liable for premiums.

Health insurance for 18 years

Increase deductible

The deductible is the amount that you have to pay yourself when you incur healthcare costs. For example, when you must go to the hospital or need medication. The government has determined the deductible, and is for the year 2025 €385,-.

If you increase the deductible, you will have to pay less health insurance premium (this saves you €20 per month). You can increase the deductible by a maximum of €500, which will result in a deductible of €885,-.

Do you expect to incur no healthcare costs? An increased deductible may be attractive. Please note: If you incur healthcare costs, you must be able to pay the full deductible!

Exceptions to the deductible

There are several exceptions for which you do NOT have to pay a deductible (including visits to the general practitioner, care from the supplementary package and maternity care).

Calculate your healthcare allowance

In 2025 the maximum healthcare allowance is €131,- per month for a single person.

You can apply for healthcare allowance from the Tax Authorities depending on your income. The amount of your healthcare allowance is calculated based on your income. Your student grant does not count for this calculation.

Make a trial calculation

Do you want to know how much healthcare allowance you can receive as a student?
As a student, you often have a part-time job with a low income. With our healthcare allowance tool, you can easily calculate how much healthcare allowance you can receive.

Calculate healthcare allowance

Health insurance for students

Several health insurers focus on students. These are often cheaper than other health insurance policies but have the same coverage. How is that possible? You can only reach customer service via chat, email, and social media to save costs. Declarations can also only be submitted via the website or app. This saves the insurer costs, and the insurance is cheaper for you!

Benefits of student health insurance

  • Cheaper than other health insurance.
  • Additional packages tailored to the needs of young people and students
  • Often extensive coverage for care abroad. Handy for backpackers!

Disadvantages of student health insurance

  • Going to every hospital for planned care is often impossible.
  • Less choice of additional packages.
  • Contact customer service online only.

We recommend comparing different insurers and choosing a health insurance policycy that best suits your lifestyle and budget.

All health insurers

In the Netherlands, you can choose 39 health insurance policies from 11 parent companies. Many of these health insurance policies focus on a specific target group (for example, students). Sometimes, the insurance policies seem different, but they are from the same company. Here you will find an overview of all health insurers:

  • SVG Logo De Friesland
  • SVG Logo FBTO
  • SVG Logo ZieZo
  • SVG Logo Zilveren Kruis
  • SVG Logo cz
  • SVG Logo ASR
  • SVG Logo Just
  • SVG Logo OHRA
  • SVG Logo CZdirect
  • SVG Logo Salland
  • SVG Logo Menzis
  • SVG Logo Anderzorg
  • SVG Logo HEMA
  • SVG Logo Nationale Nederlanden
  • SVG Logo ONVZ
  • SVG Logo UnitedConsumers
  • SVG Logo Unive
  • SVG Logo Zorg en Zekerheid

Check out all Dutch Health Insurers

What is covered by basic insurance?

The government determines every year what is included in the basic package. This coverage is the same for everyone in the Netherlands (only the policy form and the premium amount differ per health insurance policy).

Dental insurance

With basic insurance, you are only insured for some care. You can take out additional insurance for certain care. For example, with supplementary health insurance you can receive reimbursement for physiotherapy and glasses or lenses. In addition to the additional packages, you can choose to take out special dental insurance.

Compare Dental Insurance

Health insurance abroad

Your student’s basic insurance covers emergency care abroad. Are you going abroad for a longer period? For example, if you are going to do an internship or study across the border, this may have consequences for your health insurance. You are insured for all emergency care abroad up to the Dutch rate for medical treatment. If treatment abroad costs much more, it is useful to take out additional health insurance with European or World coverage. Do you need help determining what is the best thing to do? Then it is best to check the Health insurance line call: 0800 – 6464644.

  • Internship abroad : Are you going to do a paid internship abroad? Then, you are sometimes not insured for medical care because this is seen as work.
  • Studying abroad: Even when you are going to study, there are rules that determine whether you are insured through the basic insurance. This depends on whether you work, where you are going and for how long.

Welcome to Holland Guide

We are happy to welcome you to Holland! If you’re moving here to study, work or do an internship, you’re probably figuring out all the necessary preparations. To help you get started and find all the necessary information, we’ve created a website section, especially for international students that want to study abroad in the Netherlands. All important information regarding, for example, student finance, insurance, housing, benefits & allowances and visa & permits is bundled here.

Visit our Welcome to Holland section for more detailed information.

In need of a clear, summarised overview of all preparations for your stay in the Netherlands? Directly download our Welcome to Holland: Student Financial Guide

Students & ex-pats in the Netherlands

Before arriving in Holland, it’s important to determine what kind of health care insurance you need. Furthermore, a clear overview of your specific situation’s different options and obligations might come in handy.

On this page you can find more information about the insurance options for foreign students

Public healthcare in The Netherlands

If you are planning to work during your studies or if you are planning to do a paid internship, you need to take out public healthcare insurance in the Netherlands. To take out Dutch public healthcare insurance, you must have a Dutch ID number (Citizen Service Number or BSN). You can apply for an ID number at your local municipality.

Private health insurance

If you are from a non-EU country, the public healthcare insurance from your home country might not be valid in the Netherlands. Are you from a non-EU country, temporarily staying in the Netherlands and not planning on working or doing a paid internship? In that case you can consider taking out private health insurance.

Health insurance in your home country

When is public medical health insurance in your home country sufficient?

  • In case you are only planning to study in the Netherlands and you are not planning to work or do a paid internship.
  • If you are planning a temporary stay in the Netherlands (see explanation above)
  • If you are a citizen of the EU (including Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway)

Make sure to check the coverage abroad of your current public health insurance. Don’t hesitate to contact the government or your public healthcare insurance company in your home country. You can also apply for an EU Health Insurance Card valid in the Netherlands if you need to visit a hospital.

Study limitations

As a student, you may suffer physical or psychological conditions that result in study limitations. Common examples are students dealing with burnout or depression. Other conditions might be dyslexia, visual impairment or hearing impairment. Your healthcare insurance may cover treatment or tools. Additionally, your educational institution might offer additional support.

Find out more about study limitations

Problems with health insurance

What actions can you take if you have problems with your health insurance company or (the payment of) your health insurance?

Find out your options on our page about problems with health insurance

Changes in 2025

In 2025, the following things will change:

  • Health insurance premiums will increase by an average of €10 per month;
  • The deductible has not changed and remains €385.
  • The care allowance will be lower. You will receive a maximum of €130 per month instead of €127 per month;
  • The basic package remains more or less the same.

FAQ Healthcare insurance

What are important points of attention when you move to the Netherlands and take out Dutch medical health insurance? Our tips & frequently asked questions can help you on your way to all necessary preparations.

What is Dutch student health insurance?
Dutch student health insurance consists of the obligatory primary and supplementary packages. Private health insurance companies determine the coverage of these packages, such as additional dental care, physiotherapy or alternative care. The Dutch government determines the coverage of primary healthcare insurance for all insurers. However, if the basic coverage of other GP and hospital care is insufficient, you can take out supplementary health insurance.
Do I need to take out Dutch student health insurance?
Dutch student health insurance is obligatory for all students that temporarily live and study in the Netherlands and work or do a paid internship simultaneously. If your stay is temporary and you only study in the Netherlands, you can keep your home country insurance or take out private health insurance if necessary.
What is the most popular student health insurance plan?
The student health insurances of Zilveren Kruis (ZieZo), CZ insurance, and Just and Ditzo are very popular amongst international students. However, choosing healthcare insurance is very personal. Therefore, always compare various health insurance providers in the Netherlands, for example, using our Compare healthcare insurance tool, to select one that best fits your needs.
How can I save on my Dutch student health insurance?
To save on your premium, you can opt for a higher voluntary deductible. Furthermore, you can select a plan limiting the freedom of selection regarding healthcare providers only to those with a contract with your insurer. With such a policy, you can still visit another healthcare provider with lower coverage.

View our overview of tips & frequently asked questions.


We are an independent website specialising in insurance and focused on students. We work with a permanent team of specialists closely involved in compiling information for this website.

Gezicht linda  van Reenen - Zorgexpert We are an independent website specialized in insurance and focused on students. Our insurance expert Linda van Reenen has checked the information on this website. She is a specialist in the field of student insurance.

Medical advice

The information on our website aims to inform students and young people as comprehensively as possible about insurance. We are not a healthcare provider and cannot provide medical advice. Do you have specific medical questions? Then, submit this to a doctor or healthcare provider.

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