Additional services
In the Netherlands, healthcare insurance companies provide you with excellent coverage for all your healthcare expenditures. Besides, most healthcare insurance companies also offer you additional services. These services differ per insurance company. Therefore it is wise to compare different insurances and their additional packages. Perhaps some of these additional services are very convenient for you, so we provide you with some extra information about these additional services.
Which coverage is suitable for your illness?
Whenever you need to consult a doctor or specialist in case of an illness, you might want to have the option to choose between different (specialized) clinics or hospitals and reduce the ‘wait’. Several insurance companies offer the additional service of helping you find the hospital, treatment or specialist that best suits your complaints. Together you can look at the pros and cons of the treatment method and the different hospitals available.
Waiting lists
In the Netherlands, it is expected that you will be placed on a waiting list when you need a specific treatment. These waiting lists can be very inconvenient. If you would like to be treated quickly, you could consult your insurance company. Some insurance companies offer an additional service that helps you find a suitable solution for the waiting list. The insurance company might be able to intercede with the hospital to bargain for a shorter wait.
Online services
Many insurance companies offer you the possibility to arrange all your insurance-related issues online. Submitting declarations, switching to another insurance company and asking questions can nowadays all be done online through the website of your insurance company. Moreover, many insurance companies offer the opportunity to download an application for your smartphone. With this application, you are able to instantly get all the necessary information and declare costs immediately.
Sports advice
Insurance companies stimulate a healthy and sportive lifestyle. Therefore they often offer you the opportunity to get a free sport/medical check-up. This test will provide you with information about your body mass index (BMI), weight, length and blood sugar levels. The outcomes of this test will provide you with valuable information about your body and health. The results can be used to give you clear lifestyle advice. On a side note, many insurance companies give discounts on gym memberships!
Annual check up
You can ask your insurance company for advice when it comes to getting an annual health check-up. What can you expect? Usually, they measure BMI and blood pressure. In addition, a urinalysis and glucose measurement will be done.