Problems with health insurance
Should you encounter any problems with your health care insurance company in the Netherlands, it might be difficult for you to know your options. Therefore we have made an overview of the possible actions you can take.
Complaints about your healthcare insurance company
If you want to file a complaint against your health insurance company, the first thing you should do is contact them. You can call them or decide to write a formal letter. Thoroughly explain to them your complaint and don’t forget to mention your personal details.
Does the above-mentioned step not solve your problem or complaint? In that case, you can consider more far-reaching measures. You can take your complaint to an independent Health Insurance Foundation for complaints and disputes, for example, Stichting Klachten en Geschillen Zorgverzekeringen (SKGZ). If that doesn’t solve your problem you can take your complaint to several higher instances, for example, the Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (NZa).
The Ombudsman in the Netherlands intends to mediate between you and the health insurance company to solve the problem. If this is not possible, you can choose to go to a Health Insurance Dispute Committee (Geschillencommissie Zorgverzekeringen SKGZ). In that case, your complaint turns into a dispute and the committee will give a final binding decision.
Read more about complaints about your healthcare insurance company
Risks of not being insured
If you live or work in the Netherlands you are obliged to have basic healthcare insurance. Not having the insurance automatically is an infringement of the law. The consequences can go as far as paying a fine of 130% of the insurance premium during the uninsured period.
Next to the legal consequences, there are more practical and financial motives to make sure you are insured. The costs of medical treatment in the hospital can be extremely high. These excessive costs will be charged to you if you are uninsured.
If the monthly premium is a big burden on your budget, you can file for a health care allowance. Health care allowance is a type of governmental support that helps you to pay the insurance premium for basic healthcare.
Read more about the risks of not being insured
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The information on this page has been verified by
Linda van Reenen. She is a specialist in the field of student insurance and has been working for for over five years.
Medical advice
We are not healthcare providers and are not allowed to provide medical advice. Do you have specific medical questions? We advise you to see a doctor or healthcare provider.