Zorg en Zekerheid Health Insurance

Zorg & Zekerheid health insurance

Zorg en Zekerheid (ZZ) arose from a merger of various health insurance funds from the Leiden region. Zorg en Zekerheid has been active for more than 175 years. Zorg en Zekerheid has existed in its current form as an insurance provider since 1997. ZZ still focuses on and around the Leiden region. The aim is to offer affordable and accessible insurance. To date, ZZ already has more than 450,000 clients.

Care & Security health insurance premium overview from past years

Care and Security health insurance premium overview
Year Nature Budget Mix
2024 € 147,45 € 139,95 € 130,65
2023 €147.45 €139.95 €130.65
2022 €137.35 €129.85 €116.85
2021 €135.00 €127.50 €121.15
2020 €126.00 €120.20 €114.20
2019 € 128.95 €124.15 €111.95
2018 €118.45 €114.95 €103.95
2017 €118.95 € 115.95 €104.60
2016 €109.45 €106.95 €98.40
2015 €104.55 €101.95
2014 €99.45 €96.95
2013 €108.50 €106.75
2012 €109.45 €108.45
2011 €111.95 €107.95

Advantages Zorg & Zekerheid for students

  • Fast payment of declarations;
  • You can also pay your own risk in installments, without extra costs.

Disadvantages Zorg & Zekerheid for students

  • Delayed response on emails;
  • Deductible will be deducted without notification.

Additional Packages

Zorg en Zekerheid offers the AV-Sure supplementary insurance, especially for students. With this package, contraception and travel vaccinations are fully reimbursed. You will also receive additional reimbursements for dentistry and physiotherapy. The purchase of glasses or contact lenses is also reimbursed within this package. In addition to the above packages, you can choose from the Basic, Standard, Top and Total packages. The diversity of packages fits in well with different care needs.

Additional services Zorg & Zekerheid

When you have submitted a claim to ZZ, you can be sure that your claim will be refunded within ten working days. As a student, you also receive a 10% discount on your premium. In addition, you can get a discount on your premium through your employer or association.

Discounts Zorg & Zekerheid

On the website of Zorg en Zekerheid, you can find a list of various discounts that companies offer to ZZ insured persons. These can, for example, be articles to become healthier and fitter. Also, a discount on a day of indoor skiing is one of the possibilities.

Contact details

Contact information
Email info@zorgenZekerheid.nl
Facebook www.facebook.com/ZorgenZekerheid
Twitter @ZorgenZekerheid
Website www.zorgenzekerheid.nl

Sustainability Zorg & Zekerheid

No information is available on the sustainability of Zorg & Zekerheid’s investments.

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