Centraal Beheer liability insurance


Centraal Beheer was formed in 1909 and became part of the Achmea Group in 1995. Amongst Dutch people, Centraal Beheer is mostly known for its funny commercials and iconic slogan “Even Apeldoorn bellen”. In the commercials people find themselves in a disastrous yet comical situation. They resolve this disaster by “just calling Apeldoorn” to receive help from Centraal Beheer. In addition to the Centraal Beheer liability insurance, you can also turn to them for a variety of other types of insurance, such as car or home contents insurance

Website of Centraal Beheer

Coverage Centraal Beheer liability insurance

When you take out liability insurance from Centraal Beheer, you are insured against the damage that you as an individual cause to the belongings of someone else. Additionally, damage that has been caused by your pet or staff (e.g. house cleaner), may be reimbursed. This insurance is also valid internationally. You can choose from the following coverages:

  • Damage amount up to a maximum of €1.500.000: €3,28 per month
  • Damage amount up to a maximum of €2.500.000: €3,53 per month

The premium is based on a single, 22 year old student living in Utrecht. If you choose the lowest premium, you may be compensated for the damages up to a maximum of €1,500,000. The coverage for damage up to a maximum of €2.500.000 often gets chosen when people are going abroad for a longer period of time. The claim for damages is usually higher in other countries. Certain types of damage are subject to coverage limitations. These include:

  • Damage during sleeping over or babysitting: up to a maximum of €25.000 per incident.
  • Damage during sports or playing around: up to a maximum of €25.000 per incident.
  • Damage while doing friendly services: up to a maximum of €25.000 per incident.
  • Damage to borrowed items: up to a maximum of €25.000 per incident.

When belongings of someone else get damaged, Centraal Beheer reimburses the current value. The current value represents the worth of those items at that moment.

What exactly is ensured?

  • Damage to someone else’s belongings;
  • Damage to other people in the form of unintentional injury or death;
  • Damage caused by a construction or building (e.g. your house, mobile home or fence);
  • Damage to someone else’s vacation home;
  • Damage caused during your summer job, internship or voluntary work;
  • Damage caused while doing friendly services. However, this is up to a maximum of €25.000 per incident.

Some extra fees are eligible for reimbursement. If Centraal Beheer, for example, believes that a lawsuit should be initiated, the additional costs resulting from this will be reimbursed.

What is not ensured?

Damage incidents related to major conflicts, terrorism, negligence, fraude or nuclear distasters are under no circumstance eligible for reimbursement. Other instances are:

  • Deliberately causing damage, even if it is unintentional;
  • Damage resulting from exhibiting sexual behavior alone or in a group;
  • Damage to someone else’s borrowed, used, or cared-for belongings.


The liability insurance from Centraal Beheer does have a deductible, but it only applies to damage caused by storm damage. This means that you have to cover that part of the damage first yourself. The deductible for storm damage is €200.

Extra services Centraal Beheer

Are you unsure whether the damage is covered by the insurance? You can always easily report the damage to Centraal Beheer online or through a phone call. Centraal Beheer will assist you as soon as possible. It is also possible to report damage with your phone through the Centraal Beheer app, available for iPhone and Android. You can upload the description of the damage and a photo immediately through their app.

Contactgegevens Centraal Beheer Achmea


Form on website


055 – 579 80 00


Postbus 9150, 7300 HZ Apeldoorn

Take out travel insurance

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