Salland Health Insurance

Salland health insurance

Salland Zorgverzekeraar is a Dutch health insurer with a rich history dating back to 1860. The company has its roots in the Salland region, but now offers nationwide coverage. Salland distinguishes itself through its focus on regional care and the “Salland mentality”, which is expressed in a personal approach and strong ties with local care providers.

Salland health insurance policies 2025

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Salland website

Salland health insurance premium overview

Health insurer Salland health insurance premium overview
Year In-kind
2025 € 153,90
2024 € 145,90
2023 €134.90
2022 €120.90
2021 €123.90
2020 €113.90
2019 €106.90
2018 €101.50
2017 € 112.95
2016 € 112.95
2015 €100.95
2014 €96.75
2013 €105.00
2012 €107.00
2011 €104.75

Advantages of Salland for students

  • Option to pay the deductible in installments.
  • Wide choice of various supplementary packages.
  • Low premium compared to comparable basic health insurance policies.
  • Many discount options on healthcare products, sportswear and outings, among other things.
  • 4% discount for annual payment
  • Carry out 3 physiotherapy treatments to the new year

Disadvantage of Salland for students

  • Certain popular reimbursements, including vaccinations, contraception, alternative medicine or glasses and lenses are only (extensively) reimbursed in the most extensive packages (vaccination even only in the most expensive package).

Basic package Salland

The basic package of Salland, a ‘natura’ policy, offers you coverage for basic healthcare costs that you incur at, among others, your GP, the hospital, for medicines or psychological care. Although the ‘natura’ policy somewhat limits your free choice of care, with Salland you still have a fairly wide choice of, for example, hospitals and other care providers in your area. You can choose to increase the compulsory deductible from €385,- to a maximum of €885,-. This means you pay less premium, but you do carry a higher deductible if you are unexpectedly confronted with high healthcare costs.

Additional packages Salland

If you are looking for certain additional coverages, Salland offers four different additional packages. These packages offer more to less extensive additional coverage for, among other things, physiotherapy, contraception, glasses and contact lenses or vaccinations.

Additional dental insurance

Health insurers are increasingly offering reimbursements for oral care in separate dental insurance policies, including Salland. At Salland, you can choose from three dental insurance policies: TandExtra, TandPlus and TandTop. If you expect to incur many dental costs in the coming year, you should take into account that acceptance conditions apply to the TandTop package. The insurer will not simply admit you to the insurance if you expect to make up for a lot of overdue maintenance in the foreseeable future. To evaluate the condition of your teeth, you will have to fill in a questionnaire.

Additional services

An eye-catching extra service from Salland that you don’t see with many other health insurers is the option to repay the deductible in instalments. With other insurers, it may be that you have to pay the bill for the deductible at once. At Salland, you can repay the deductible in 10 instalments. In addition, Salland offers a handy care finder on the website, so you can immediately find out which care providers you can go to for the treatment you are looking for. Finally, Salland offers a handy declaration app for submitting your declarations quickly and easily.

Contact details

Contact information Salland
Email Website Contact Form
Post PO Box 166, 7400 AD Deventer
X @salland

Salland website


To what extent are the investments of health insurer Salland sustainable? The VBDO (Association of Investors for Sustainable Development) has delved into this. In the survey ‘Responsible Investment by Insurance Companies in the Netherlands 2023’, Salland scores a 0.3 on a scale of 1 to 5. What is the focus of the survey? It examines policies relating to people, the environment, society and corporate governance.


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Linda van Reenen

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